Packet Campfire Recipes

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People roasting pizza on a campfire - Packet Campfire Recipes

The easiest way to pair down your camping weight is to lessen the number of items needed to make your meals. No bulky pots or pans, spices, and seasoning bottles.

Packet meals can save you weight, as well as time and cleanup while amid your adventures. In this article, we’re going to dive into some amazing packet campfire ideas and tips and tricks.


What Are the Easiest Packet Campfire Recipes?

The easiest packet campfire recipes are the recipes you are familiar with making. Do you have a chicken alfredo dish you love? How about an old family recipe for steak fajitas? Breakfast burrito, anyone?

All of these recipes can be prepared ahead of time, packed in tin foil, and safely stored for your camping enjoyment. When you make your packet meals ahead of time, cleanup is simple right in your own kitchen.

You don’t have to worry about packing enough spices or seasonings because, again, you’re in the comfort of your own home. You can spice those steak nachos up to your heart’s content.


Which Meals Are Done Fast?

Heating up your homemade packet meal is a piece of cake (which you can bring too, because who’s stopping you), but you can take it one step further and save even more time by taking out the need to pre-make your meal.

There are so many companies out there that specialize in packet meals. The military’s tried and true MRE, for example. You don’t even need a campfire to heat those delicacies up. Just a bit of water, a rock, or something to prop the packet on.

Though I would suggest bringing added precautions to keep yourself regular if you know you know. Companies such as AlpineAir, Backpacker’s Pantry, and Mountain House, among others, have been preparing dehydrated meals for backpackers for years.

All you need is water, a heat source, and a pot; you’ll be dining in style in no time. Many folks do suggest providing your own hot sauces to refine their flavor.


Desserts You Can Make on Campfire

One word and one word only, S’mores. Nothing brings on the nostalgia more than toasting up mallow and sandwiching it between two Grahams and a piece of chocolate.

They are simple, lightweight, pretty messy, the perfect for relaxing next to the campfire. But, of course, if you’re ok with a little more prep time, campfire banana splits are a mouth-watering dessert option as well.


Foods You Should Bring When You’re Camping

Simple, lightweight foods that pack a caloric punch are going to be your go-to when camping. If you’re not planning on any over-strenuous activities, you won’t have to worry too much about calorie counting.

However, simple foods like fruits, vegetables, and starches are always a good choice to keep up your energy for adventuring. Water! If you think you’ve packed enough water, pack more and then add an extra bottle to your cup holder.

You can survive longer without food than you can without water. Aside from the responsibilities of camping safely, aren’t these trips about having fun? In that case, bring all the snacks, chips, muddy buddies, puff pastries; you name it!


Things You Should Avoid Doing if You’re Cooking on a Campfire?

Excessive amounts of oil. Oils and fire don’t mix well. Always have something to protect your hands when using a campfire to heat up your meals. The hottest part of the campfire is going to be the white-hot coals and the air pocket between those coals and your firewood.

Knowing this can help you determine where your food will cook most efficiently. Avoid forest fires. Always have a way and the knowledge of how to put out your campfire. Don’t let your campfire burn all night.

Always put it out completely before going to sleep. Lastly, as a kid, I learned this one the hard way: do not touch the rocks in your campfire ring. Hopefully, you know that already but just in case, let me help you avoid that pain.


Final Thoughts on Packet Campfire Recipes

Carry in-carry out. Anything you bring into your campsite, whether that be to a state park, BLM property, or your backyard, you have to take it out with you. So take your trash and leftovers and take them all with you. If you can, leave your site better than how you found it.

You can save time by planning ahead and bringing packet meals with you.

The time you can, in turn, spend roasting those marshmallows for s’mores or sitting by the creek watching the water meander by, you could even take a couple more hours to make it just to the next ridge on your hike. Happy eating, happy camping, and stay safe out there!


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