Can You See The Wave In Arizona Without Hiking?

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Looking more like a surrealist painting than an actual landmark, this unusual sandstone rock formation should be on your bucket list of destinations to visit. 

The Wave is considered one of the most photographed landscapes in the United States. It is an unbelievable sandstone formation almost hidden in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Northern Arizona. 

Only a small number of civilians are lucky enough to visit The Wave each year. However, if you make a hobby out of hiking, this is one of the most beautiful trails you will ever experience. 

What if you don’t like it or simply can’t? Let’s explore everything The Wave has to offer and your options for how best to view it. 

Of course, as the BLM manages it, you have to have a permit to get to it, but those permits are very much like the ‘golden ticket’; few and far between. 


How Can You Do It?

The process of getting to The Wave is unlike anything else. First, you have to have a permit from the Bureau of Land Management, which actually lottery the tickets and allows just 20 hikers a day. 

This is to best preserve the fragile geological formation of The Wave that has been created over millions of years. 

A great alternative to hiking would be to fly over The Wave. Although your feet can’t touch the ground, you still benefit from the unbelievable view. 

You can also see the beautiful cliffs of Marble Canyon if you can’t hike. The Wave. 

You are able to steal a view from afar from particular routes in your car, like Rt.89A from Kanab, Utah, all the way to Bitter Springs, Arizona. 


What Are The Best Ways To See It?

Undeniably the best way to see The Wave is by grabbing yourself a ‘golden ticket’ permit and hiking to it. That is the only way you’re going to get as close as possible. 

The second best way is to fly over because you get a clear, crisp view of this natural beauty. 


Where Are The Locations To See The Wave?

If you aren’t hiking, you can drive nearby. The main highway travels along the base of the cliffs of Marble Canyon.

There is a road leading specifically to Lee’s Ferry for you to get a closer look and walk the banks of the Colorado River.   


Why Should You Consider Seeing The Wave?

The Wave is not a national park, and it is not a state park. Instead, it is a region of raw, undeveloped, and untouched desolate land. 

The Bureau of Land Management manages it. 

The Wave is one of those images or optical illusions that you have to see with your own eyes to believe. 

If you want to be able to say you have experienced a place that is like no other and experience one of life’s natural wonders, The Wave is a must!


When Is The Best Time To See It?

If it is the best weather conditions you’re after, the best time to visit would be Spring or Fall, when the weather is most likely on your side. You’ll have a moderate and manageable temperature with reasonable cloud cover.

However, you have a better chance of winning a permit in the Winter. You will also have fewer applicants to compete with if you apply for a weekday hike rather than a weekend. 


Final Thoughts on Can You See The Wave In Arizona Without Hiking

The most exclusively unique and arguably the most breathtaking view across the United States destination hikes is The Wave.

The place photographers and hikers only dream of visiting. Imagine being lucky enough to have your chance at seeing a part of the Earth’s natural sandstone formation, formed millions of years ago. 

Once a local best-kept secret, thankfully now shared with the World. Take your chance at the permit lottery, take a road trip to catch a glimpse from afar, or fly over to see one of the World’s natural and most magnificent wonders.



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