What Can You Eat With No Fridge or Microwave?

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Beans in a can - What Can You Eat With No Fridge or Microwave?

An easy and almost prep-free option for what to eat with no fridge or microwave would be dehydrated meals. All you would need is a heat source and water, simple, right? There are many brands and dish options in the camping market. 

Another option would be to make your own dehydrated meals. This would take a little front-end prep but would be a more cost-effective option. A third option would be shelf-stable foods. 

This could be anything from canned chili to baked beans, and even canned veggies can be seasoned to deliciousness if you try hard enough. And the good news is those spices won’t require a fridge or microwave either.


Is it all Processed Foods?

Any food that has undergone a modification from its original state is referred to as a process. Food that has been simply chopped, washed, heated, pasteurized, cooked in a can, frozen, dried, dehydrated, blended, or packaged falls under this category. 

Additionally, it can refer to food that has been supplemented with salt, sugar, fat, nutrients, tastes, or salts. So, true to the definition, any canned or pre-prepared foods would be considered processed. 

Home-made fresh foods cooked and dehydrated by yourself will include fewer preservatives and wouldn’t be over-processed. Certain fruits and vegetables are shelf safe, wouldn’t be considered processed, and wouldn’t need to be microwaved. 

So, no, it doesn’t all have to be processed foods, and you may find some less processed brands. Preparing your own shelf-safe meals would be the best way to ensure you are getting the freshest foods during your camping adventure.


Types of Food That You Can Eat Immediately

If you are hungry enough, you may be willing to break into that can of baked beans immediately upon reaching your camp spot. However, there are plenty of options that would be a little more palatable than cold beans. 

Canned and pickled Asparagus, for instance, would be a delicious option to crack open as soon as you get to your campsite. We are sure that any of the canned fruits would be far more appetizing than, say, canned green beans. 

Both can be eaten without any prep or heating, but again one may be a little kinder to the tastebuds. The difference between “can eat immediately” vs. “want to eat immediately” would ultimately be up to the person partaking in the dining experience. 


Best Recipes for Camping

We keep mentioning baked beans. Can you tell if we have a preference? This is not to say that beans would be considered the best for everyone. However, they are quite delicious. As a throwback to our childhood, who remembers walking taco? 

Simply cook your ground beef with your favorite taco seasoning; toss them into your favorite bag of chips; add your favorite toppings; and boom, savory tacos with minimal clean-up time. Stews are a popular camping fare. 

You get all the warmth and comfort of a soup dish with the hearty benefits of added veggies and meats. In the same vein, soups wouldn’t be a bad idea. Eggs and sausage are never a bad idea while camping. Breakfast for lunch and breakfast for dinner. 

Count us in! And the pièce de ré·sis·tance, campfire roasted hotdogs! Get that perfect char and chef’s kiss. You’re cooking in style. 

At the end of the day, though, you get to decide what recipe will be best for you, but your options can be many, don’t be discouraged if you’ve never cooked a meal outdoors. Start simple and work your way up to more complicated dishes. 


Soups You Can Make for Camping

What is your goal in your soups? Are you looking for something hearty and filling? A soup with more substance may be what you are craving. Beef and barley soup would hit all the requirements for hearty and delicious. 

You have proteins, veggies, and whole grains. A perfect option for hearty sustenance. Veggie and chicken soup again hit those nutritional goals. With the addition of chicken’s extra protein, this is a mouthwatering soup to enjoy around a campfire. 

Are you craving pizza around the campfire but don’t have the dough and all the fixings? Then pizza soup is for you. 

This is a fantastic option if you are craving a low-carb pizza option. An honorable mention but should never be dismissed. Add a bit of basil to the age-old tomato soup, and you’re eating in style. 


Food that Can Last the Longest

Not to beat a dead horse, but dehydrated foods are going to last nearly the longest. However, the longest-lasting food option would be canned foods. 

As long as the canned foods have been prepared properly, the containers are undamaged and not rusted, and these foods can last indefinitely. The only downside is that they can be heavy, and if you are just weekend camping, you should be good with dehydrated foods.

Unfortunately, fresh, unprocessed fruits and veggies may not last as long as you need them for your camping adventure, especially if you don’t have the means to keep them cool. Trail mixes and beef jerky would also be a long-lasting option for camp calories. 


Final Thoughts on What Can You Eat With No Fridge or Microwave

At the end of the day, you can make any meal happen if you are willing to do the work. You can make the simplest foods or be as extravagant as you want. 

But just remember, a campfire-roasted hot dog and a can of beans will keep a rumbling stomach at bay. Well, at least until the middle of the night when everyone is comfortable and cozy in their tents.