The Pros and Cons of Sleeping in a Hammock

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Person sleeping on a hammock in a forest - The Pros and Cons of Sleeping in a Hammock.

Looking for an alternative to sleeping on the ground while camping? May we suggest taking a swing at sleeping in a hammock? If you’re feeling a bit adventurous and particularly limber, you might just want to try it.

You’ll be sleeping up off the ground, which in itself seems like a pretty good plus for sleeping in a hammock.

Now, on the other hand, if you happen to be of the clumsy variety, this may not be for you. Ha! Of course, we’re kidding, and hammocks can be surprisingly easy to get in and out of if set up properly.


What are the Biggest Pros of Sleeping in a Hammock?

As we mentioned before, one of the biggest advantages of sleeping in a hammock is you don’t have to fight with the ground for comfort. No rocks digging into your back, no slopes forcing all the blood to your head if you don’t pick the right sleeping angle.

Set up is fairly simple. If you have trees available and straps for your hammock, you’re set. While you may not be completely out of the range of bugs and creepy crawlies, up in a hammock, you will be at least a little farther from ground crawlers.

Also, there are rain flies and bug nets for hammocks, so it’s a win-win all around! They are quite comfortable as well.


What are the Cons?

The setup is fairly quick. However, you do have to have a slight understanding of what your hammock is going to do when you set it up. For instance, how deep is it going to sag in the middle?

It shouldn’t sag too much, but you won’t want to place your hammock too close to the ground, or else your backside is going to end up on the ground. Getting into your hammock does take a certain sort of success.

Watch all the videos you can and practice at home to make sure you are familiar with your hammock.

If you don’t get yourself set up right in the beginning, you can have issues all throughout your attempts to sleep. So make sure you get it done right the first time, and you’ll be good to go.


How Often Should You Sleep in a Hammock?

How often do you want to sleep in a hammock? Are you planning on hammock sleeping as a permanent change to sleeping in a bed? Or are you just changing out your camping pad for a hammock?

Really this is a personal choice. Unless you have health issues that would limit you from sleeping in a hammock consistently, there aren’t any scientific studies that limit the amount of time you should be sleeping in them.

Often, people even find themselves yearning for their hammock after their camping adventures. Are we saying to switch out your traditional mattress for a hammock? No, not necessarily, but to each their own.


Is Sleeping in a Hammock Good For Everyone?

Sleeping in a hammock can be good for most folks. It’s definitely not a one option fits all deal, but we’re sure everyone can find at least one benefit. Sleeping properly and being set up correctly is safe.

Because of how a hammock holds you, you’re really much less likely to toss and roll while using one. In fact, this is also the reason why a hammock will not injure your back. Many individuals are concerned that using a hammock may result in back pain.

However, tossing and turning while we sleep are mostly to blame for the pain we experience the next day.

In a hammock, you are compelled to sleep on your back, which relieves pressure on your spine and improves comfort for people who already experience back problems.

Also, eliminating uncomfortable springs pushing back into you or air mattresses deflating and leaving you laying on the rough ground.


How Can You Tell if You Shouldn’t Sleep in a Hammock?

You should always do your own research to see if a product is right for you, especially if you have existing medical issues. If you have particular nerve or spinal concerns, hammock sleeping might not be for you.

Again, talk with your doctor or physician regarding concerns they may have about you sleeping in a hammock. As long as you don’t have any issues that would limit you from sleeping in a hammock, it would never hurt to do a test run.

Maybe borrow a friend’s hammock and test it out for a night. If you don’t end up in pain or uncomfortable, then maybe sleeping in a hammock is for you!


Final Thoughts on the Pros and Cons of Sleeping in a Hammock

There are many benefits to sleeping in a hammock. Physical benefits, mental benefits if you’re falling asleep faster, and even your inner child might get some enjoyment out of it.

You probably won’t want to sleep in a hammock if you have back issues. But outside of that hammock sleeping can be quite fun and beneficial.