Do Glamping Pods Have a Fridge?

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A glamping pod with two chairs in front of it - Does it Have a Fridge?

Yes, but also no. There are just as many glamping options are there are preferences for glamping amenities. Nevertheless, the whole goal of glamping is comfort and style while still being afforded the camping feel. 

Many glamping pods do offer some sort of fridge option. That could be a mini fridge, half fridge, or even a cooler. 

It depends on the campground or, if you will, you decide to stay with and what amenities they provide. One thing for sure is you will have a bed and close proximity to the wild outdoors.  


What do Glamping Pods Usually Have?

Along with a bed, glamping pods have so much to offer. Glamping is for you if you are searching for a camping experience with just a touch more creature comforts. Some glamping pods can accommodate groups of up to six. 

Oftentimes the glamping pod will have electricity. That may look like household 120V electricity. It could also be solar-powered electricity, even a generator for electricity. For each option, you will have more or fewer options as far as appliances. 

Some glamping pods offer bathrooms right inside the pod, and others may have outdoor shower rooms. Kitchens can range from full kitchens to smaller kitchenettes with just a coffee pot. 


What Kitchen Appliances Can You Expect?

We know fridges are a possibility, and coffee pots seem standard, but what else can we expect in glamping pods? Sometimes coffee pots are all you are going to get. On the other hand, pods with full kitchens will have much more to offer. 

Of course, there will be a sink in those larger kitchen options. The hosts will often provide cooking utensils and tableware. Many kitchens will offer kettles, microwaves, and even ovens with cooktops. 

In opposition, some glamping pods will provide a single burner portable cooktop and a toaster oven. Your options will depend on the type of electricity available to the glamping pod and what the hosts have decided to add to their pods. 


What if There is No Fridge?

Again, we’re glamping here, so no worries if you have no fridge. Many high-class glamping sites offer fine dining on the grounds of the camping area. They may even provide room service if you’ve found a top-shelf glamping opportunity. 

However, glamping is a comfortable way to get back to the simple things in life, and you can’t get much more simple than a cooler. 

Checking ahead of time will let you know whether your glamping pod has a fridge. If not, you will want to bring your own cooler with ice if the plan is to bring your own food and drinks.  


Things You Should Carry With You While Glamping

Bug spray, bring bug spray. All the amenities in the world can’t deter a hungry mosquito, and we are trying to get back to the wilderness. 

Well, the wilderness is the home of bugs. Moving on from those annoying little buggers, you may be inclined to bring your own food and snacks. If you are too far away from any store and have no access to a restaurant, you will be out of lunch if you need a midnight snack. 

The lived experience encourages you to bring some sort of fire starter. It could be lighter, and it could be a flint fire starter. It all depends on how rugged you plan to be. Checking with your hosts will be your best bet to know what items you need to bring with you. 


Food You Should Bring with You in Case There’s No Fridge

Nonperishable foods will be your best bet if your glamping pod doesn’t have a fridge. BBQ beans are a crowd favorite. They can be headed on an open fire. Though if you are bringing canned food, don’t forget the can opener. 

Bread, honey, and peanut butter are shelf stable, and you could fill your belly with yummy sandwiches for your whole stay. Granola and granola bars can provide boosts of energy when needed. 

Even dehydrated dinner packs would provide full meals with no need for a fridge. So, if you don’t have a fridge, you won’t be completely destitute for food. 

But at the very least, you can bring a cooler to keep fruits, veggies, cheeses, meats, and condiments. As a side note, always have drinking water on hand.


Final Thoughts on Whether Do Glamping Pods Have a Fridge

In a nutshell, the glamping experience perfectly balances luxury and getting immersed in nature. You won’t be in the Ritz (well, some glamping could pass for the Ritz), but you won’t be toughing it out under a tarp shelter. 

Instead, you’ll have the comfort of an established waterproof shelter, often with included heating and air conditioning. As always, research the glamping hosts you plan to stay with. 

They can give you the best idea of what you need to bring with you and what will be provided. Don’t forget to breathe in the fresh air and happy glamping!